Monday, February 9, 2009

1997 EPA and Monsanto ties

I don't know how I found this but the digging continues. This whole article speaks on toxic dumps and exchanges between chemical companies. The EPA tried fining a small interest environmental group 25,000 a day until they let loose there documents. In short, the documents listed all of the mess ups of the EPA and tied chemical companies to the destruction. As well as what the EPA said was safe, was not. They burned dioxin anyways and i'm sure it's effected the people that live in the area.

The article.

From the article:
"Monsanto has denied ever having given Bliss any waste containing
dioxin or PCBs. So far, officials of U.S. EPA are taking
Monsanto at its word and, instead of investigating the chemical
giant, are investigating and harassing the citizens who have
brought these documented facts to light."

--Peter Montague
(National Writers Union, UAW Local 1981/AFL-CIO

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