"The locavores and farmers who are anti-NAIS have done a great deal of study on this subject over the past few years. It is ALL connected and all part of the Mega Corps grap for the control of the world food supply.
Here are a bunch of interesting sites.
Please take the time to help out the small farmers in the USA by commenting on the World trade Organization's agenda called NAIS.
Despite Obama's request the second phase of the WTO AoA is poised to go into effect March 2009. We have the opportunity to stop these changes by commenting on the proposed rule change. Your comments can be made at http://www.regulations.govfdmspubliccomponentmain?main=DocketDetail&d=APHIS-2007-0096
Now to some of those sites that explain why this is such BAD NEWS
The goal within the WTO, dating from 2000, is to extend patent laws over all plants and animals (Article 27.3b)..” http://www.africafocus.org/docs07/bio0712.php
Patenting of life:
Seed Sharing or Biopiracy . http://www.africafocus.org/docs07/bio0712.php
Global Diversity Treaty. http://www.bioversityinternational.org/publications/pdf/1144.pdf
“In the EU, there is now a list of 'official' vegetable varieties. Seed that is not on the list cannot be 'sold' to the 'public' .” http://www.realseeds.co.uk/terms.html"
98 per cent of our vegetable varieties have disappeared. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/news/agricultural-red-tape-driving-vegetable-varieties-to-extinction-763821.html
Monsanto Pig Patent http://www.saynotogmos.org/ud2005/uaug05b.html Monsanto's Seeds of Worry: http://www.mcgilldaily.com/article/2998-seeds-of-worry
ICAR Animal Patenting Service http://www.icar.org/%5Cpages%5Cpsas.htm
Cloned Animals: http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/dec2007/2007-12-20-091.asp
“StarLink maize was found for the first time in food aid distributed directly by the WFP. StarLink is banned for human consumption due to possible allergic reactions to the genetically altered protein it contains... GMOs were found in more than 80 percent of all samples sent to the laboratory”...http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/feb2005/2005-02-16-09.asp
Structural Adjustment Policies used to force third world farmers off land:
SAP The globalization of poverty http://www.doublestandards.org/sap1.html
Structural Adjustment Policies http://www.whirledbank.org/development/sap.html
Mr. Budhoo's Bombshell: Former employee Breaks Code of Silence on IMF of crimes: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/IMF_WB/Budhoo_IMF.html
World Trade Organization's plans to control farming and food production
Aims to ensure that governments do not use quarantine and food safety requirements as Unjustified trade barriers: http://www.oie.int/eng/publicat/rt/2002/WILSON.PDF
Report Finds Fundamental Flaws in WTO's Agreement on Agriculture http://www.socialfunds.com/news/article.cgi/891.html
Guide to Good Farming Practices . http://www.oie.int/eng/publicat/rt/2502/review25-2BR/25-berlingueri823-836.pdf
Safe and Secure Food Act of 2005 http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=s109-1534
Polish entry into the European Union: The EU plans to remove 1 million farmers from their land http://www.i-sis.org.uk/savePolishCountryside.php
The problems with ISO according to the USA Quality Society ISO and Similar Certification Schemes: http://www.systemsthinking.co.uk/3-1-article.asp http://www.qualitymag.com/Articles/Letters_From_the_Editor/e4100ee7f4c38010VgnVCM100000f932a8c0____
Probing the Limits: ISO 9001 Proves Ineffective http://www.qualitymag.com/Articles/Column/17062620c7c38010VgnVCM100000f932a8c0____ http://www.qualitymag.com/Articles/Letters_From_the_Editor/65730ee7f4c38010VgnVCM100000f932a8c0__
USDA & WTO allows disease into USA
Texas AG plan www.tahc.state.tx.us/news/pr/2002/302TBMx.pdf
Santa Teresa, NM, Chihuahuan cattle producers operate both sides of the cattle port-of-entry. www.ers.usda.gov/publications/Agoutlook/june2001/AO282d.pdf
Bovine Tuberculosis: Infected Dairy Herd Identified in California 2002: The discovery of this infected herd is a result of enhanced surveillance. (chart shows 90% DECREASE in testing) http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/vetext/INF-BE_cca/INF-BE_cca02/INF-BE_cca0207-08.html
USDA is moving toward supporting fewer labs nationwide, with the remaining labs serving as regional labs and supporting larger geographic areas..” http://www.tahc.state.tx.us/agency/TAHC_Strategic_Plan_2009-2013.pdf
WTO directive to NOT allow inspections http://www.oie.int/eng/publicat/rt/2002/WILSON.PDF
The USDA has decrease the inspection of imported food from 8.0% to 0.6% WHILE IMPORTS HAVE DOUBLED SINCE THE MID NINETIES.
“It is urgent that scientists come forward with alternative methods of disease control that will not only avoid wastage of valuable animal proteins but that will also promote the international trade of animals and animal products by removing technically unjustified trade barriers caused by animal diseases”, http://www.oie.int/eng/press/en_040422.htm
Furthermore, it can help to eliminate unjustified trade barriers, since a sound traceability system provides trading partners with assurances on the safety of the products they import. Traceability techniques can provide additional guarantees as to the origin, type or organoleptic quality of food products. http://www.oie.int/eng/edito/en_edito_apr08.htm
Transfer of liability http://nonais.org/2008/07/08/transferring-liability/ The Animal Health Protection Act of May 22 2008 has fines and penalties of $500-$1,000,000 and up to 10 years in prison agriculture.senate.gov/Legislation/Compilations/AgMisc/AHPA.pdf
College Slide Show on Cargill http://www.morris.umn.edu/academic/anthropology/chollett/anth%203204/Class%20Presentations.08/Harvest%20of%20Profits-%20The%20World%20Empire%20of%20Cargill,%20Inc.ppt At a time when parts of the world are facing food riots, Big Agriculture is reaping huge profits. http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/daily/breakingnews/83971.php
Agriculture and Monopoly capital: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1132/is_n3_v50?pnum=10&opg=21031832&tag=artBody;col1 Manufacturing Food Crisis: http://agrariancrisis.wordpress.com/2008/09/12/manufacturing-food-crisis/
JBS Swift’s buyout: http://www.farmanddairy.com/columns/jbs-beef-buy-is-bad-for-everyone/
Food Supremacy: http://www.fpif.org/outside/commentary/2002/0202food.html
How to manufacture a global food crisis: http://www.japanfocus.org/_Walden_Bello-How_to_Manufacture_a_Global_Food_Crisis__The_destruction_of_agriculture_in_developing_countries/ Empire of Burgers: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/1997/jun/20/johnvidal
Short pew report: http://www.pewtrusts.org/news_room_detail.aspx?id=38438
Full (125 pg) Pew report: http://www.pewtrusts.org/uploadedFiles/wwwpewtrustsorg/Reports/Industrial_Agriculture/PCIFAP_FINAL.pdf
An old list of companies that control food, the list is decent but the site is questionable and so are the comments. However the list gives you the names you can start with."
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