Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A few places to look for food solutions

here is an entire list!

It's been a while

I'm sorry for the delay, but I've been very busy getting down to the bottom of this food supply debacle! So I'm going to just start posting everything I find, this way you'll have an up to date account of my findings. I'm first going to go with the big dog from the US: Monsanto. What is Monsanto? Some will say pure evil some will say agriculture geniuses. I'll leave it to you to decide. (I think they're greed based, beware my writing will be biased but that's the way the cookie crumbles when you put 3 months of research and can't find one good reason to like them) Here is something I found today. You will find all the Federal Contributions that Monsanto has given to our government officials from 98-08. Just scroll the year option and you can see the amount per year.

This is the biggest concern you should have; Vilsack as the head of agriculture. He has been known to have Monsanto ties , don't forget to draw your eyes to his two new appointees. Here you can see his stance. Why does it matter? How will it affect me? Two very good questions. As of now there is no law within the USDA that you have to label a product if it's been Genetically Modified. (most people will us terms like GM and GMo's , the latter being Genetically modified organisms) Why is that important? (here is one article ) It's effects on humans and the environment are of HUGE concern. Since most data supplied by GM manufacturers are very biased we need to try to get other sources of information. Most of America is ignorant to what they put into their bodies. Get informed! Not only for our ourselves but for our children, our family, our country and the world.